Course Registration: A (Re)New(ed) High Holiday Theology
Thank you for your interest in this two-part course! We will meet on Zoom on Monday, 8/21 and Monday, 8/28 at 7:45pm ET, 6:45pm CT. Zoom link will be provided upon registration. “The theology of the High Holidays teaches us that God sits on a throne on high, ruling over us and judging our actions from. We believe that our prayers, supplications, and repentance will sway God toward a merciful ruling, looking leniently upon our transgressions over the past year and judging us favorably for the year ahead. But what if we’ve been looking at the theology of the High Holidays through a misunderstood lens? What if the theology of the High Holidays teaches us something radically different, even opposite of what we have come to believe? In this two-part course leading up to Rosh Hashanah, join Moishe Steigmann, the Mindful Rabbi, as he guides us through the traditional High Holiday theology, its meaning, and its relevance and toward a (re)new(ed) understanding of what the Days of Awe could truly mean.” I look forward to teaching and learning with you!